Find Chiropractic Degrees and chiropractic degree programs in the United States and Canada. Students interested in earning chiropractic degrees must understand that many chiropractic colleges and schools require prerequisite courses prior to entering their chiropractic degree programs. In general, most chiropractic universities require applicants to have attained previous minimum of 90 semester units in general education, biological and physical sciences, chemistry, psychology, English and humanities.
Chiropractic degrees are not that easy to come by - students participating in chiropractic degree programs will quickly discover that these are course-intensive programs that can last up to six calendar years. In accelerated chiropractic degree programs, students can achieve their chiropractic degrees in as little as three years; however this is a rigorous course of study and requires absolute dedication.
Chiropractic degrees and relative chiropractic degree programs include the Doctor of Chiropractic, Bachelor of Science in human biology, as well as Bachelor of Science in public health. Candidates interested in enrolling in chiropractic degree programs should take one of several pre-entry examinations, such as the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) or ACT (American College Training Program) exams to determine educational level prior to applying.
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Students pursuing chiropractic degrees will gain intense training and education in a wide assortment of studies including classes in human anatomy, chiropractic biochemistry, biomedical physiology, biomechanics, pathology, cell biology, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, radiography, chiropractic principles and history, chiropractic skills, physical examination and assessment, and clinical practicum.
In most chiropractic degree programs, students who have successfully achieved their chiropractic degrees will have acquired over 4,200 hours of in-depth studies and training; including combined classroom, clinical and laboratory experience. Successful graduates can and must attain licensure from the state in which they reside. States vary in licensure requirements, so it is of utmost importance that students who have attained their chiropractic degrees have met all prerequisites, educational requirements and credentials set forth by individual state specifications.
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Chiropractic Degrees: Achieve Yours
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