Here is an outline of the steps you would go through on a regular web conference.

First, you need to gather together all the relevant files and documents into a single package that can be distributed to all of the participants. Since you are holding a web conference, this usually means web-based distribution as well. You can simply email the file package to all of the attendees, or you can upload it to a central distribution point online where everyone can download it.

Next, you need to send out invitations to the web conference. Your web conferencing client should have features that automate this step. In general, you would have to input the date and time and a short description, plus the email addresses of all involved, and then the web conferencing client will forward the invites.

You will soon hear from the invitees, who may either accept or reject your invitation. The web conferencing client can track these replies for you. Then you can get in touch with those attending and orient them on what they need to do to attend the conference. This will help to inform them if there are any software and hardware requirements that they need to prepare. On your part, as host of the web conference you have the responsibility to test that your web conferencing client is operational to make sure the event will proceed smoothly.

On the day and time of the web conference, attendees register for the web conference, and are provided a password to be able to log in later. This is to ensure a degree of privacy to the meetings. Without a registration and a password, a person cannot participate in the group event.

At the appointed time, everyone logs in and enters the online meeting space. You will be able to see who is attending, and the arrival of a new participant can be signaled by a chime or small pop-up indicating the name of the visitor.

When everyone is present, you can start the meeting by launching a shared presentation. This will be seen by all of the attendees simultaneously on their own computer screens. For meeting interaction, you can call up a virtual whiteboard that participants will be able to write or draw on by turns. The group can also engage in a discussion using a text-only instant messaging client or an Internet voice call conference. The typical web conference is short, lasting little more than an hour. At the end of the conference, everyone simply logs out and the conference page is closed.


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